Saturday, December 1, 2012

Senior Project Update:

(1) What are you currently doing in your independent component? 

I have come up with my survey questions:
1. In your opinion, what is the most effective way to teach a chemistry class?
2. What is your favorite lesson and why?
3. What is your least favorite lesson and why?
4. What is your goal as a teacher? What is the main thing you want your children to take away from your class?

I will be calling schools within the next two weeks, but can I combine my science fair survey in this too? Sorry.
(2) What is a recent piece of research (article, interview, or audio-visual) that have you reviewed you would say was significant in helping you understand where to go next in your senior project?  The piece of research should be something you reviewed in November.  Please explain what you learned and where are you going next because of this piece of research.

My Interview 2 was very informative and after all his lectures (my mentorship) I take down notes which help me formulate my senior project activities and demonstrations. The most interesting article is 17, "Developing a New Teaching Approach for the Chemical Bonding Concept Aligned with Current Scientific and Pedagogical Knowledge".

(3) Provide evidence from your independent component or the piece of research as something you recently did.  For example, a photo of something you working on for your independent component or your notes from the video you watched. 

I organized my entire binder, dividing it into the appropriate sections because my articles were quite lengthy. 
I have been reading through this website to just get basic facts about chemistry. More to refresh my memory. I also created this list

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